Jumat, 04 Mei 2018

Pretty Rich

picture taken from pinterest.com

One day, I went to my office wearing my black long sleeve t-shirt, black veil and wide-flare grey maxi skirt. Well, it didn't seem so important, but I ended up remembering all the stuffs I wore because my students, five girl students and one boy student, were complaining at that day when I was entering the room because I wore black, they said I looked so dark and evil, hahahaha oh kids. Then, I complained them because one of them wore a black t-shirt, another student wore a grey t-shirt and a black tutu skirt and the others wore navy blue t-shirt and leggings. Long story short,
they didn't want to be blamed for wearing black stuffs but me, it was, and is, only me that should not wear black. It seemed silly that we looked like fighting and arguing over a simple issue, but that what makes us get closer to each other, and the funniest was one of my student said "you must be rich, Miss Hani."
"Oh wow. Who? Me?" I asked her.
"Yes," she replied.
"Yes, Miss, you must be rich."
"Should I say 'amen' hahaha and why did you say so?" I asked again while laughing.
"Because, because you are beautiful. You are beautiful so you must be rich."
"and you are like Syahrini," said another student. 
I was laughing so hard, elegantly hahaha, and replied them "Are only rich women beautiful? So, if Miss Hani is not rich, I am not beautiful anymore?"
"emmmm..." they were thinking.
"What do you think?" I repeated my question to get their answers.
"No, Miss."
"So everyone can be beautiful even though she is not rich?"
"emmm... yes, maybe yes," they answered but didn't seem really sure.
"Well, girls, you, all of you can be beautiful, he, Ra****, can be handsome in many ways," they were staring, "It's not because you are rich, so you are beautiful or handsome, but because you are nice to people." I tried my best to tell my six-and-seven-year-old students that wealth is not the one that defines beauty, as simple as I could, and it seemed that they understood and agreed cause they nodded their heads. I really wish they do.
Thank you for reading !!

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