Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

"You know, seperti yang dibilang Wallace di buku itu: awareness of what is so real and essential, so hidden in plain sight all around us, that we have to keep reminding ourselves over and over."

— Ika Natassa dalam Antologi Rasa, dalam tokoh Keara, quoting from a book of David Foster Wallace
"There was this saying in Latin: nemo in amore videt. No one in love sees. Ada satu lagi kutipan yang bilang bahwa love is not blind, but it's blinding."

— Ika Natassa dalam Antologi Rasa, dalam tokoh Keara
"I remember things better with you. I look at you and I'm home."

— Dory said to Marlin in Finding Nemo, written in Antologi Rasa
"wherever I go, whatever I do, I wonder where I am in my relationship to you."

— John Mayer, In Your Atmosphere: written in Antologi Rasa
"Like I said, Rome was not fucking built in a a day."

— Harris dalam Antologi Rasa
"Life is hell and I'm trying to create my own heaven here."

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa
"If you make a girl laugh, she likes you, but if you make her cry, she loves you."

— Harris dalam Antologi Rasa, quoting from a movie entitled Kicking the Dog
"But seeing you will make it all fine again."

— Panji dalam Antologi Rasa
"What sucks about being human is you have to explain your life choices to everyone. It's like their god-given right to know. Ini perilaku yang menurutku tidak akan kita temukan pada hewan atau bahkan alien. I just couldn't picture a green slimy guy snaring at his bald coneheaded friend saying: "You chew on screwdrivers? Snacking on human bone is ten millions times more delicious!""
— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa
"what if in a man that you love, you find a best friend instead of a lover."

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa
"Siapapun yang bilang time heals all wounds itu perlu dirajam, disilet-silet, dan dibiarkan kesakitan untuk melihat berapa lama dia bisa menahan rasa sakitnya."

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa
"...in the end, you just gotta pick your happiness. ... . Kalau lo terlahir sebagai anjing, jenis kebahagiaan yang bisa lo nikmati itu bisa jadi sepotong tulang, semangkuk Pedigree, lari-lari ngejar bola di taman, digaruk-garuk perut lo sama pemilik lo, ngejar-ngejar tukang pos, gigitin sepatu. Sebagai manusia, Key, lebih spesifiknya lagi sebagai perempuan tipe-tipe gue dan lo gini, kebahagiaan yang bisa kita pilih itu banyak banget. Some come with names, some come with colors, some come with sizes... . Tapi seperti yang gue bilang, in the end, you gotta pick you happiness. Satu hal yang bukan cuma bisa bikin lo bahagia, dan kalau satu hal itu nggak ada, hal-hal lain yang ada di hidup lo nggak ada artinya."

— Dinda dalam Antologi Rasa

Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

"the sun rises and sets, the day passes, and you follow the bent of your inclination to a certain extent, you have no conception of the quantity of miserable feeling that you pass through me in a day."

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa, meminjam kata-kata John Keats yang ditulis untuk kekasihnya yang ada di buku Love Letters of Great Man
"Journey ends in lovers meeting."

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa, quoting Shakespeare's quotation
"and my heart skips a beat everytime these words sink in:"Methinks I could write a volume to you; but all the language on earth would fail in saying how much and with what disinterested passion I am ever yours.""

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa, quoting from Love Letters of Great Men, a letter of Richard Steele
"Katanya atlet, kok merokok sih?"

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa
"To run for office is not a decision that can be made by only one person in the marriage. The endless trip, the constant press attention, the political game, the pressure."

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa
"Buatku, foto itu lebih bisa banyak bercerita dibanding kata-kata. What are words anyway? They're just our way to describe what we see. What really matters is what we see itu, kan?"

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa

*I'm not good in photography anyway, tapi karena aku termasuk makhluk visual, so I think this sentence is good to be quoted*
"don't shit where you eat atau don't eat where you shit."

— Rully dalam Antologi Rasa
Nihil  lacrima citius arescit
Nothing dries more quickly than a tear.
— salah satu judul di novel Antologi Rasa
"I'm not as strong as I'd like to think I am, God."

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa
"You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose... .You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go... . I'm afraid that some times you'll play games too. Games you can't win 'cause you'll play against you."

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa, quoted from Oh The Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss
"Adulthood is overrated, if you ask me. Ketika kita kecil, every single thing fascinates us, somehow... .Instead of being fascinated by the things around us, we now try so hard to fascinate others by the things on us."

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa
"When you love, there is neither the 'you' nor the 'me'. In that state there is only flame without smoke."

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa mengutip kata-kata dari Jiddu Krishnamurti
"Puoi solo dire, che piu ti fa soffire, piu ancora l'amerai."

— Harris dalam Antologi Rasa, mengambil lirik dari lagu Nel Cuore Lei-nya Eros Ramazzotti dan Andrea Bocelli yang berarti :

"All you'll know for sure is the more she makes you suffer, the more you find you love her." — Harris dalam Antologi Rasa
"How can we be so different and feel so much alike?"

— Keara dalam Antologi Rasa, messing her head with a question she adapted from a children short story entitled Stellaluna by Janell Cannon

Rabu, 10 Juli 2013


kalau aja Allah selalu mengabulkan setiap permintaan kita secara langsung,
mungkin Allah pantas juga menghukum kita secara langsung setiap kali kita melakukan kesalahan.
adil kan?