Sabtu, 05 Mei 2018

All I need on Saturday

A saturday evening in my place is always busy. Some much different from several years before. You'll be trapped in a traffic jam if you're on your way. Some restaurants have a long waiting list, so make sure you arrive earlier than anyone. And some coffee shops will seem like a fast food restaurant cause they have too much visitors. I really need a cozy place to chill out, to have a sweet talk and to enjoy my cuppa coffee. A kinda place like a coffee shop I'd once visited in Chiang Rai called
 Raicholada Coffee .
I visited this coffee shop after I finished my Eid Mubarak prayer, after 30 days of fasting in Thailand, emmm almost two years ago. The place was so homy and cozy. There was a bookshelf with hundreds books and magazine. It is near to the famous Golden Clock Tower in Chiang Rai which is in the tourism area,but this place is not crazy crowded of people.
I ordered a glass of iced latte and a slice of rainbow cake.
The rainbow cake was just so memorable, it didn't taste like common rainbow cakes, even the texture looked like clay instead of cake hahahhaa, and the best was the strawberry sauce.. it made everything perfect.
Here are some photos that I took, somebody please take me back there....

3 komentar:

  1. Ayeyyy... Masih eksis di blog... Sukaaa.. Sukses terusss han..

    1. Baru mulai lagi nih hehehe , amin, thank you 🙏

  2. Ayeyyy... Masih eksis di blog... Sukaaa.. Sukses terusss han..
