Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

The day of Mother

Well, Indonesia has a mother's day that is today 22nd of December. Firstly, this day came from Indonesia's first President Soekarno, so we can say that mother's day in Indonesia is actually political business. He decided to make this date became the celebration of mother's day to appreciate all woman at that time who cares about this country by joining many politic activities. Yet, nowadays, mother's day in Indonesia seems like a day to express our love to our mother, it's okay, that's fine. I'm sure that we love our mother not only a day but everyday, so maki this day as day to symbolize our love is cool, right?
You may call today as a heroine day also if you want, 'cause I know, most of you must be assuming your mother as your hero, ehhehehee :D
And, today I also symbolize my respect, my love and anything to my mother . . . a bouquet of red rose . . .

a bouquet of red rose for bunbun :)

bunbun n' me

and the last but not the least, I'm gonna share a quotation from my favorite ; Dian Sastrowardoyo
“Entah akan berkarir atau menjadi ibu rumah tangga, seorang wanita wajib berpendidikan tinggi karena ia akan menjadi ibu. Ibu-ibu cerdas akan menghasilkan anak-anak cerdas.”

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