Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

God and Friends

I'm so thankful to The God, because He doesn't give any price tag to you all my friends, because if He does, I'm sure that I won't have any friend, because I can't pay for amazing friends like you.
thanks friends for all your support, spirit, and anything you give to me every time.
Just be my friend, my best friend,
Love you friends, just the way you are :*

4 komentar:

  1. hahahah, maacih sayoong.. tiara juga bersyukur banget kok punya temen kayak hani :D
    semangat ya sayooonnggg :D *peluk*

  2. *peluk juga*
    makasih kamu udah jd temen yg sangaaaaat baik, kalau suatu hari aku pergi, aku gx akan pernah menyesal, karna aku perrnah punya temen kyk kmu :)

  3. aaaa, sooo sweeeett :) me, too :)
    *peluk lagi* hahahhahah
