Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

setiap orang pasti punya cerita tentang masa lalu, whether with a good person or even with any kind of bastard, lol. what matter for us is do not live with those memories, just live your right-now-life.
LIFE MUST GO ON !!!! we need to turn the page of a book when we read the book, we need to keep moving when we ride a bike in order to keep our balance,right?
 so . . . just keep moving on, so your life will not stuck on (fucking) memories :)

2 komentar:

  1. don't forget your past memories, learn from them :p.

  2. I said 'do not live with those memories'... kalo mau diinget-inget ya monggo lho :p I prefer to forget ajah biar nggak jadi dendam kalo masa lalunya ngeselin biar nggak terlena kalo memorinya nyenengin...me myself... I just need to focus and work on my present life to prepare my future :)
