Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

"Love cannot live where there is no trust!"

— Cupid in Cupid Pierces His Own Heart (Greek Myth)

Creativity and Education : Why It Matters

( via Harmonydhoremi )

Hati - Hikmah - Difraksi

( via Harmonydhoremi )
how can I love when I'm afraid to fall ?
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri

Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

If You're Not The One

I'm gonna post lyric of a song entitled "If you're not the one" - Daniel Bedingfield , what d'you think ? YES!! this song is like dark blue sea (read : so deep) , maybe if you're in love with someone and you think he/she is the one this song will be the best soundtrack of your life,  but I'm not gonna say that I'm in love now because the reason I post this lyric is this song is playing in my head because last wednesday when I was in Structure 4 class I discussed about 'if clause' then this song started playing in my head, why not 'if I were you' of Hoobastank? I don't know at all :p any reason for me? haha , sooooo let enjoy the song ^,^

If You're Not The One

If you're not the one then why does my soul feel you glad today?
If you're not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all

I'll never know what the future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

I  don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

If I don't need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you're not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you're not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don't know why you're so far away
But I know that this much is true
We'll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you're the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

I  don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

'Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
and I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
'Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right
and though I can't be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side

I  don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?


Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Vantage Point

Have you ever watched this movie? Yeaah, this movie released on 2008 and became box office. Anyway, it is often shown on the TV but I watch it again in my Movie Interpretation class, and the assignment is analyzing the narrative elements such as point of view, setting, and plot and plot structure. Today is the deadline of this assignment submission, even though I don't really master in doing analysis of this movie but I did the assignment, because beside I'm interested to do, doing this assignment is a MUST. I don't know whether my analysis is right or not, I'm gonna show you my analysis ... enjoy reading . . . feel free to leave a comment for this . . .

Narrative Elements Part 1 Analysis :
 by Haniah Hamidah Sahid

Vantage Point is a movie which has type parallel storytelling of editorial technique. Parallel story telling is a type of editorial techniques which serves a movie by giving two events (characters also) or more happens in the same time which have correlation. It is proved by existance of many perspectives which were used. We have to look at the movie which is replied several times starting at 12:00 then it is continued by different stories depend on whom perspective. It is clear to claim that Vantage Point uses parallel storytelling in editorial technique, the events that happen in the same time are the activity that uses point of view of his/her, those include perspective of Rex Brooks, Thomas Barnes’, Enrique’s, Howard Lewis’, President Ashton’s,  and the terrorists’ (Javier’s, Sam’s and Kent Taylor’s).
This movie uses omniscient narration or point of view because we, as the audience, know everything in the movie. It can happen because we see the events by looking at each character’s point of view or perspective. Since this movie has many points of view, if the audience miss one of the point of view, they will still understand the story of the movie because we have other characters’ point of view which correlate to one another. This point of view gives effect of anxiety because we’ve known what will happen next but the characters haven’t, so there will be a sense of willingness to tell the characters about what is going to happen even though we cannot do that.  Although it also gives ‘mystery’ sense or a curiosity to the audience, it is not caused by restricted point of view, but because it is a action or thriller movie.
The setting of Vantage Point is in Salamanca, Spain. The setting sets at noon (12:00 a.m) and on an event of International treaty about terrorism action. The condition there is so crowded that being provided many policeman to control the condition of  the public square besides to guide the U.S President.
 Every movie has a story absolutely – an introduction, climax, and a resolution, but beside that, of course every single movie has plot, and the structure is different from one movie to another movie, depends on the way of the director serves the movie. Yet, basically the plot of movie includes fabula and syuzhet. Fabula is the chronogical story of the character in the movie and we will not find any flashback here, so the story is just going on chronogically. If the movie is not shown chronogically, that means we should arrange the arrangement of the story by ourselves. While syuzhet is the way of the director orders the events in the movie, such as from climax suddenly flashback to the introduction, then back again to the climax to continue to the resolution. These are the fabula and the syuzhet of Vantage Point :
Since it is a parallel storytelling, we should decide which one is the main character to follow his/her perspective in order to make the fabula (chronogical story). Here I chose Thomas Barnes as the main character, so I will follow his point of view to arrange the story chronogically and I make the diagram for the fabula, this is the diagram :

Explanation of the diagram :
1.       Thomas was asked to prepare himself to be an secret agent for President U.S then he recalled the memory of shooting tragedy that happened to Thomas Barnes last year.
2.       Thomas Barnes was preparing for becoming a secret agent for International treaty in Spain.
3.       Thomas Barnes controlled the situation and started being skeptic.
4.       Shooting happened then the situation on the Plaza Mayor was disordered.
5.       Coming Enrique and Thomas attacked him.
6.       There was a bomb in the hotel of President Ashton.
7.       Kent went to look for the shooter but actually to change his uniform.
8.       Thomas came to Howard to check his video camera then bombing happened in the podium.
9.       Thomas checked the recording on GNN, here Thomas knew that Kent disguised into a local police.
10.   Thomas chased Kent who were going to pick Javier up.
11.   Kent and Javier met Enrique in the underpass, here Enrique was killed by Javier, then Javier was killed by Thomas and Kent was killed when his car hit a wall.
12.   Came Veronica and Sam with President Ashton and their ambulance got an accident, here Veronica and Sam were killed.
13.   Thomas helped President Ashton.
Since syuzhet is plot of the story which has the order of events in the movie, so the arrangement of the syuzhet is just the same as the director shows the movie for us. For Vantage Point, the story was started by the perspective of Rex Brooks, then after several minutes the story was dragged  back to at 12:00 and it’s continued by the perspective of Thomas Barnes, then back again at 12:00 with the Enrique’s perspective, then back at 12:00 with Howard Lewis’ perspective, after that back again in the time of 12:00 with the perspective of President Ashton and finally back again at 12:00 with the perspective of the terrorists included Javier, Sam and Kent Taylor, then the movie is continued by chronogical story without back again at 12:00 until finally the terrorists were killed and Thomas Barnes was succesfully helping and safing President Ashton.
After having done with the fabula and the syzhet, it means we understand the story, and we will understand the plot structure also. Plot structure itself is the written form of the diagram that we have in the fabula analysis. So, here the plot structure is the whole story of the movie that uses one perspective, that is Thomas Barnes because I chose him as the main character of this story.
This movie is a movie which has strong plot to tell the story. It’s not easy to be analyzed because there are many events happen in the same time following the characters’ perspective (parallel storytelling). However it is really interesting and challenging to be analyzed. By doing this project I am forced to be more critical in seeing every single details of the storry, the result is I understand the lesson material of Narration part 1, those are about point of view, setting and plot and plot structure.

Announcing Class

one ou four point five UNISI the exciting radio .... back again with me, Honey Bunny Sweety ... haha LOL !!!
GOOD (EARLY) MORNING well-blessed readers ,haha
Am I in the middle of something? YES, I AM. Well, I'm in the process of doing my Movie Interpretation assignment actually, but I guess I need to breath up (read : doing intermezzo). So, I'm going to tell you about my experience of joining Announcing Class of Unisi Training Centre. Are you interested to this subject? If the answer is yes, you're in the right way.
Well, semester 1 dulu kakak aku gabung kelas UTC ini dan karena aku juga tertarik pada bidang ini (although I'm not good in public speaking) jadilah aku daftarin diri di masa liburan semester 2. Waiting for a long time akhirnya datang juga konfirmasi tentang kelas UTC, tapi ini aku udah dalam masa liburan semester 3... yak emang lama banget, karena ternyata sempat ada kekosongan pemerintah di kelas UTC.
Kelas UTC berlangsung selama satu bulan dan itu meliputi macam-macam pelajaran such as radio management, vocal technique, voice editing, clocking, script writing dan masih banyak lagiiii, pas ujian dikategorikan jadi 5 mata kuliah pokoknya. Trainernya juga bukan sembarang trainer, tapi meliputi Program Director-nya, Music Director, Announcer-nya dan yang lain-lain aku lupa namanya. Gabung kelas ini nggak akan pernah nyesel, karena in this worthy class kita nggak cuma dapat ilmu tentang kepenyiaran, tapi juga dapet temaan-teman baru, pengalaman baru dan 'link' baru. The other good news is UTC doesn't cost much money, kamu cuma butuh 25K buat registrasi dan 200K untuk kelas satu bulan.
Kelas UTC ku sendiri berakhir Rabu pekan lalu, di kelasku sih, ujiannya meliputi tes tertulis (gampang kok - sebenarnya) dan vo (aku lupa kepanjangannya, intinya recording dengan script yang kita siapin masing-masing). Having done the class kita bakal dapet record suara kita, sertifikat dan lembar penilaiannya, dan di lembar penilaian itu ada IPK nya , kayak di kampus-kampus gitu, so the highest GPA is 4. Unfortunately IPK ku nggak sampai 4 tapi ya lumayanlah lewat dari 3.7 dan rasanya seneeeeennngggg banget, pengen banget suatu hari bisa di depan microphone dan siaran beneran . . .and fyi, pas pengambilan sertifikat tuh kita sembari di kasih evaluasi gitu, apa sih yang kurang, mana sih yang lebih, pokoknya it's a good place for training yourself to be more creative because radio is one stop creativity !!! so, what are you waiting for? let join UTC !!!

Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

The Macchiato

The Macchiato is a tittle of my short story, yeaaaahhhh after for a long time I write and I write many short stories, this is the first short story that was published. Actually I am (still) not confident enough to publish it, but . . . because it's a class demand, so I sent it to my lecturer to be posted in the class website, finally . . . the result was .... no too bad, although I need more practice(S!).
Anyway, I called my short story as a collaboration, why? because the illustration wasn't made by me, yeep, because I'm not good in drawing, so I asked my friend, Rizky Cahya Putra , to draw it for me :) 
you may visit the link that I've given to you to read other writings of my friends and if you're interested to paintings or handmade stuffs you can visit Rizky's blog that I've given ... so enjoy blog walking guys :)

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013


"Miss Ritter : Peter, don't make promises you can't keep.
Peter Parker : But those are the best kind." - The Amazing Spider-Man

Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

"Karena kecanggungan tidak pernah ada di antara dua orang yang tidak ada apa-apanya. So maybe there is something between us."

— Ika Natassa dalam Antologi Rasa, dalam tokoh Keara