Well, in this posting i just wanna tell that today i was attending in B2P3KS's event. Let see, absolutely i wasn't joined in this event but MY BESTIE----------Kurnia Fitriatun is one of 10 finalists in this event,, yups , event?? what's that ? yeah, LOMBA KARYA TULIS REMAJA ----lah eventnya, and you know what , I'M PROUD OF HER (check her blog -- www.nheeya-starlight.blogspot.com ) , although she wasn't become the winner, but for me she was , because she presented her karya tulis remaja succesfully (especially by my point of view--well done).
This competition is held since a month ago, and for 10 finalists had to present their papers ( am I right call karya tulis with paper???*?).
Nia was presenting her papers with title Upaya Peningkatan Kesetiakawanan Sosial Remaja dalam Mengatasi Masalah Sosial di Lingkungan Sekolah dan Masyarakat
and this is her photo i took when she was presenting.

1st -- bondan galih >> sma n 1 wonosari
2nd -- idham >> sma n 4 yogyakarta
3rd -- amalia >> sma n 4 yogyakarta
harapan -- yuvi >> sma n 1 yogyakarta
(sorry for writting errors of name because i'm forget their full name so I just remember her nickname)
want to know how they are ??? check this out ...

finally, see you in the next post ..
love for watching her nice presentation .